Commands and their permissions
Last updated
Commands and their permissions
Last updated
These are intended only for testing the themes and presets. Please use conditions to display tooltips.
/tt sendtheme [player] [theme id] (optional text)
permission: tooltips.command.sendtheme
/tt sendpreset [player] [preset id] (optional text)
permission: tooltips.command.sendpreset
Both allow optional text, which supports multiple lines using new lines "\n".
Text supports PAPI placeholders and local placeholders.
If a preset already defines text, putting optional text in will override the preset text.
Sending presets with a command does not account for conditions.
Your preset isn't showing and you're not sure why? This command should help! It checks all conditions one by one and tells you whether a tooltip would show or not.
/tt debug [preset] [player]
permission: tooltips.command.debug
Read more about conditions here.
A useful tool when working on conditions, is to see if they work. This can be done using the eval command:
/tt eval [condition]
permission: tooltips.command.eval
Reloading the plugin will reload all themes, icons and presets and regenerate the required assets.
/tt reload
permission: tooltips.command.reload
If you're using a plugin like Oraxen or ItemsAdder, remember to use their respective resource pack reload commands after using /tt reload; /oraxen reload pack
and /iazip
Haven't set up Nexo or ItemsAdder compatibility?
Head to this page.
Execute a local variable command. The use of this is to allow outside modification of Tooltips variables.
/tt vars [
variable command
permission: tooltips.command.vars
/tt vars setvar Septicuss meow true
/tt vars setpersistentvar player meow false (this will actually set it for the person executing the command)
/tt vars clearvars global
/tt vars savepersistentvars